Četvrtak, 23 Januara, 2025

Annulled Competition at “Golub Kureš” School in Bileća – New Announcement

High School Center Golub Kureš in Bileća (Photo: Direkt)

Two days after “Direkt” published a story about irregularities in the competition for hiring teachers for the economic subjects group at “Golub Kureš” high school in Bileća, it was reported in Glas Srpske that the competition had been annulled. On the same day, February 7th, a new competition was announced.

According to information from “Direkt”, the school board, at a meeting held on February 1st, accepted the objection of candidate J. Đ. and made a decision to annul the selection of the candidate for the position of teacher for the economic subjects group, as well as the decision to annul the public competition.

The reasons for the school board annulling the entire competition, rather than just the candidate selection decision, were not obtained by “Direkt” from the Golub Kureš High School, as they did not respond to our inquiries before the publication of this text.

In late December of the previous year, the school announced a competition for the hiring of a teacher for the economic subjects group – mathematics, accounting, business economics, and bookkeeping, for a specified period – until the return of the teacher from sick leave.

Besides J. Đ., another candidate applied for the competition, who, under several favourable circumstances, had already started teaching at the school.

The candidate who felt disadvantaged in this competition process pointed out errors that resulted in her being a candidate with fewer points. These errors included incorrect calculations of points related to the duration of unemployment, corrections in test scoring, and allegedly incorrect transcription of results from the minutes of the three-member commission.

Candidate J. Đ., who spoke about the whole case for our portal, filed a complaint with the school board and the republican inspection, which will now not have the opportunity to determine what really happened.

In their response to “Direkt”, the Inspectorate explained that due to the annulment of the previous competition, there is no sense in conducting an inspection.

“With the annulment of the said competition, all legal consequences arising from it, i.e., all decisions made during the competition procedure, are annulled. Therefore, the inspector has no basis for taking any measures against acts that no longer have legal effect. The annulment of the competition has eliminated the circumstances that should have been the subject of inspection, and conducting control at this moment would serve no purpose”, the response to our portal stated.

The new competition will remain open for eight days from the date of publication in Glas Srpske. Testing and interviewing candidates are planned for February 22nd.

“Direkt” reminds that this is not the first time that competitions at the “Golub Kureš” school have been annulled. We have previously reported on a competition where the best candidate for a teaching intern in pedagogy was the daughter of the director Zdravka Milićević.


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