When the tender conditions for the procurement of toner, office supplies, or coal for heating are fine-tuned, the Banja Luka company "Primaprom" has no reason to fear competition.
Kada se dobro uštimaju tenderski uslovi za nabavku tonera, kancelarijskog materijala ili uglja za ogrev, onda banjalučka kompanija „Primaprom“ nema razloga da strahuje od konkurencije.
Neither the law on public procurement nor the public interest prevented the Mayor of Jezero from entrusting the construction of a kindergarten in that place to a company from Bihać with strong political and tycoon connections at the very top of the Republika Srpska government. In return, this small municipality gets the most expensive kindergarten in the region, and the citizens are left without at least 70 thousand marks, which could have been saved in the budget if only the public procurement procedure had been carried out in accordance with the law.
Ni zakon o javnim nabavkama ni javni interes nisu spriječili načelnicu opštine Jezero da izgradnju vrtića u tom mjestu povjeri firmi iz Bihaća s jakim političkim i tajkunskim vezama u samom vrhu vlasti Republike Srpske. Zauzvrat ova mala opština dobija najskuplji dječiji vrtić u regionu, a građani ostaju bez najmanje 70 hiljada maraka, koliko se moglo sačuvati u budžetu, samo da je procedura javne nabavke provedena u skladu sa zakonom.