Ponedjeljak, 6 Januara, 2025

Kategorija: Impuls istražuje

Lawlessness in the Supreme Court will cost us millions of marks

Foto: Istinito

By failing to fulfil their legally prescribed obligations, responsible individuals in the Supreme Court, Court Police, and Ministry of Justice have damaged the budget of Republika Srpska by at least 5,000,000 marks. At the same time, the employment of individuals in the court police who have not completed adequate, prescribed training has led to unforeseen consequences, including a murder for which a court police officer, who was employed without prior completion of the legally prescribed training, is being charged.

Ko kopa u Bistrici – mještani zabrinuti i odlučni da ne dozvole nelegalno rudarenje

Ustupljena fotografija

Na pola puta između Banjaluke i Prijedora pojavio se “Bistrički tougao”. Tako kažu mještani sela Bistrica, zabrinuti zbog otvaranja rudnika nadomak njihovih kuća.

Bezakonje u Vrhovnom sudu koštaće nas milione maraka

 Foto: Istinito

Neizvršavanjem zakonom propisanih obaveza, odgovorna lica u Vrhovnom sudu, Sudskoj policiji i Ministarstvu pravde oštetili su budžet Republike Srpske za najmanje 5 000 000 maraka. Istovremeno, primanjem u radni odnos u sudsku policiju lica koja nisu završila adekvatnu, propisanu obuku, došlo je do nesagledivih posljedica, među koje spada i ubistvo za koje se tereti sudski policajac koji je zaposlen, iako prethodno nije završio zakonom propisanu obuku.

Shelter for dogs used as a site for criminal activities

Photo: mojljubimac.net

Tens of thousands of marks in donations whose whereabouts are unknown, physical attacks and death threats against volunteers, investigations by the relevant prosecutor's office - these are the conclusions of the story about the establishment of the shelter for abandoned dogs "Happy Tails" in Srebrenica. Meanwhile, the shelter was closed by an inspection decision in September of last year.

Sklonište za pse kao poligon za kriminalne radnje

Foto: mojljubimac.net

Desetine hiljada maraka donacija za koje se ne zna gdje su završile, fizički napadi i prijetnje smrću volonterkama, istrage nadležnog tužilaštva, epilog su priče o pokretanju skloništa za napuštene pse „Happy Tails“ u Srebrenici. U međuvremenu sklonište je odlukom inspekcije u septembru prošle godine zatvoreno.

Lutrija Bosne i Hercegovine (Lottery of Bosnia and Herzegovina): A game of public procurement where the winner is predetermined

 Foto: Wikimedia

When Lutrija Bosne i Hercegovine initiates a public procurement process for advertising in the media, there is no doubt about who will win the tender and get the job. The reason is simple - this contractual body already determines in the procurement subject which bidder it applies to.

Lutrija BiH: Igra javnih nabavki u kojoj se unaprijed zna ko dobija

 Foto: Wikimedia

Kada Lutrija Bosne i Hercegovine pokrene postupak javne nabavke za oglašavanje u medijima, onda nema sumnje ko će posao na tenderu i dobiti. Razlog je prost – ovaj ugovorni organ već u predmetu nabavke odredi na kog ponuđača se ona i odnosi.

Public procurement favourite: “Primaprom” has toners, paper, brown coal, and sure success in tenders

Foto: Impuls

When the tender conditions for the procurement of toner, office supplies, or coal for heating are fine-tuned, the Banja Luka company "Primaprom" has no reason to fear competition.

Favorit javnih nabavki: „Primaprom“ ima tonere, papir, mrki ugalj i siguran uspjeh na tenderima

Foto: Impuls

Kada se dobro uštimaju tenderski uslovi za nabavku tonera, kancelarijskog materijala ili uglja za ogrev, onda banjalučka kompanija „Primaprom“ nema razloga da strahuje od konkurencije.

Construction of a kindergarten in Jezero: The headmistress did everything to ensure that the most expensive bidder with strong political and tycoon connections won...

Neither the law on public procurement nor the public interest prevented the Mayor of Jezero from entrusting the construction of a kindergarten in that place to a company from Bihać with strong political and tycoon connections at the very top of the Republika Srpska government. In return, this small municipality gets the most expensive kindergarten in the region, and the citizens are left without at least 70 thousand marks, which could have been saved in the budget if only the public procurement procedure had been carried out in accordance with the law.